Land Auditing

At EI Technologies, we recognize the vital significance of effective and precise land administration within the contemporary business landscape. Irrespective of whether you’re a real estate developer, government entity, or a private landholder, our Land Auditing Services aim to provide you with invaluable insights, minimize risks, and enhance the utilization of your land assets.
Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

  • Providing of Consultancy services for land auditing of 64 existing layouts formed by BDA and identification of authorized / unauthorized sites in layouts formed by BDA using total stations and revenue method, etc.
  • Consultancy services for Digitalisation of layout formation and allotment details of the 64 layouts formed by BDA to an extent of 38,380 acres
  • Consultancy services for Development of Geographical information System (GIS) Web based application.
  • Consultancy services for additional works mentioned below which were not there in the original scope of work of land Audit.
  • Consultancy services for Capturing Drone image, Data collection, processing and analysis in Dr. Shivarama Karantha Layout and submit the report as and when instructed by BDA